Learn to consistently catch trout in the Taupo rivers during the famous winter runs

The 3 skills you need to learn

Understanding Trout Behaviour In Winter
Trout act differently in winter and that affects how we fly fish for them during this time. In this course, you will learn how the trout behave during winter and how you need to adjust proven techniques that you may already use, to catch trout consistently during winter.
Applying The Best Techniques For Winter Fly Fishing
You may already be an accomplished fly fisher or still a novice but if you have never fished in the Taupo region during winter you will find that techniques like nymphing, euro nymphing and swinging streamers need to be adapted to the behaviour of the trout during the spawning runs in order to consistently catch them.
Finding The Best Spots To Fish
It's no use knowing how to catch the trout if you have no idea where to find them. The course covers the access and fishing spots on all four of the major rivers in the region: Tongariro River, Tauranga Taupo River, Hinemaiaia River and Waitahanui River. There are full river walkthroughs showing the access points as well as access maps and Google Maps pins.
Course Outline:
Course Introduction
Course Introduction (1:34)
Quick Overview of the Taupo Winter Fishery (1:26)
How The Fishery Works (5:27)
How Weather Influences The Spawning Runs (6:53)
Fly Fishing Methods Used in Winter
Indicator Nymphing (35:27)
Euro Nymphing (32:25)
Swinging Streamers - Trout Spey & Wetlining (21:14)
Stream Mouth Fishing (3:29)
How to Access and Fish the Main Rivers in Taupo
Tongariro River (55:23)
Tauranga-Taupo River (10:50)
Hinemaiaia River (10:17)
Waitahanui River (6:46)
Additional Info and Conclusion
Gear, Biosecurity, Accommodation and other info (12:16)
Update 1: King's birthday weekend
Update 2: 20-22 June 2023
Update 3: 1-4 July 2023
Additional updates integrated into the course include tips on casting heavy flies, updated access maps for the Tongariro and more.
What You Get:
Over 3 hours of detailed video instruction covering everything you need to know to consistently catch trout during the winter runs.
Demonstrations of each of the main techniques as well as how to set up for winter and which flies work best.
Detailed walkthrough videos of all the access points on each of the four main rivers in the region along with downloadable PDFs with details and maps of access points, flow levels and even Google Maps pins.
Lifetime access with regular updates and additions to the course included. Plus direct email access to me for additional information and to answer extra questions.
Lance Gardiner, Auckland
“I purchased a fly rod some 30 years ago with the intent to start fishing for trout but unfortunately that rod sat in the garage until this year unused. This year I began watching some fly fishing Youtube videos which again piqued my interest and set my resolve to finally attempt the sport of fly fishing. With my new found knowledge (Youtube) I set off to the Ngongataha Stream in Rotorua some three months ago for my very first attempt at fly fishing, I landed two trout that day and have to admit this experience was beyond exciting and after this initial introduction to fly fishing I was hooked. I was looking at opportunities to expand my knowledge of other trout fishing areas within access of Auckland, that is when I came across your online course to fly fishing the main Taupo rivers in winter. I have really enjoyed the course content and it has certainly assisted me to find my way around the Taupo rivers and also given me the confidence to try them out for the first time. I booked a weeks accommodation in Turangi a week ago and using the information in your course I found it easy to get around and understood more clearly where and how to fish this area, I am pleased to say that I landed 11 trout on this trip (more than a few got away) and have already booked another weeks accommodation in September. During my week in Turangi I reached out to you (Johan) seeking further advice, you were happy to share your time and knowledge with me which was very much appreciated."
Drew Thompson, Marketing Manager at Manic Tackle Project
“The course is the ultimate way to get you into the Taupo region and into some trout in your net. Johan's experience in the region shows and there's a huge range of tips, tricks and advice to make the most out of your time on the river."
Bernard Bailey, Hamilton
"I purchased the course to learn about the winter fly fishing on the Tongariro for a trip to Turangi in early June. I learned a lot of stuff from the course and I'm enjoying the updates. The best part is the way Johan tells the viewer exactly what he is doing and what to watch out for. You could spend a lot of time and money on a guide and get one trout. My time on the water was very much improved. It is well worth it."
Jaco Du Preez, Auckland
"This course is your gateway to winter fishing in the world renowned Taupo region - Johan's simple instructions provides the beginner flyfisher with basic reference points for a solid start. He also draws on a wealth of knowledge to answer any additional questions in a way that is practical and easy to follow. Great value, I highly recommend this course!"
Vern Hines, Auckland
"Just wanted to say that I'm really stoked with your fly fishing course.I've been fishing the Central North Island's rivers since 1982, so I consider myself pretty experienced. However your course and videos have been enlightening and very interesting, and most certainly have helped me improve in a few areas and I'm only 3/4 of the way through it. I would absolutely recommend it for most fishermen or women who are either just starting out, or have a little experience but want to improve the catch rate."
Jake Pretorius, Hamilton
"Even though I have fished the Taupo rivers quite a bit, I still found Johan's detailed advice really helpful. Quite a few access points were pointed out that I haven't really fished before, or approached differently, but with little success.For my fishing buddies and I, a trip to the Taupo rivers is always something to look forward to, however, it can be a gamble in terms of weather, river levels and spawning runs. With the info Johan provided, as well as his regular updates, we are going to be much better prepared in future with a plan A, B & C"